Friday, May 7, 2010

France at last!

The last blog was posted from a Club site in Umberleigh, in Devon. We still have not got our computer coupled to the internet via the cellphone working, so are dependent on WiFi sites for blog updates.

Our next night was spent at a Bison farm in Wiltshire. A beautiful setting and cheap!

This was just a stop over on the way back to John and Jackie’s in Petersfield via a visit to Winchester, a beautiful medieval city with the cathedral the song was written about.

We spent another great night at Petersfield. To say John and Jackie have been very kind to us would be an understatement.

An early start for the 20km drive down to Portsmouth to the ferry to Le Havre.
We crossed the Channel on a huge catamaran.
The dock workers were on strike in Le Havre so the ferry was diverted to Deippe -
a slight headspin as we had planned the road trip from Le Havre to Lassay-les-Chateaux.
Not to worry we managed the 200km trip to Sue Cameron’s with no hiccups.
Drive in “Lefty” in France seems to be easier than driving from the passenger’s seat in the UK.

We stayed with Sue (Val’s cousin) in 2004 when we were over for the All Blacks tour. She lives in a 14th Century house in the middle of the village. The chateau in the village is beautiful.

A great night with Sue. We caught up with all the family news.
Today we managed to sort out our camper gas for Europe (different from the UK) and we will have lunch at Laval before driving up to Patrice’s chalet for a couple of nights with Sue and Patrice.

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